Monday, October 7, 2013

Wow time sure does fly by...

As I think about what to write so much comes to mind...

Should it be about me, my kids, my husband... family, work, outside life?  I don't want to bore people with my stories, but then think.. hey if you don't want to read it you can close the page ;-).

First, MacKenzie:  She is turning 11!!!! in just 11 days!!! She is growing up to become such a talented young archer and is loving the sport even more.  For her birthday she has asked to go to a 3D Zombie shoot / tournament which is being held in Caldwell Idaho in couple of weeks.  We were planning this and she was very excited to be going.  .... now... for the snaffooo... Lee was let go from his place of employment for not moving to Portland.  So rather than canceling the trip first, we were told by several friends about a cool website for fundraising / sponsorships etc. 

After talking w/the family, we decided to do it and give it a try. Those that know us, know this is very humbling for us and we have definitely grown from this experience.  We just don't like asking for help because we like to be the ones helping others in need. Below is a link to our page, where MacKenzie wrote a letter telling you about her journey. :-)

She went practicing today and broke another arrow.  Not a Robin Hood this time but close.  She went thru the feather part. (no I don't remember the name lol).  I am really proud of what she wants to accomplish.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Let's try this again!

So, for year's I start a blog, write one thing and have every intention of continuing.  Only it seems each time I forget about it, or leave it as a draft because I look around other sites and am so intimidated by the creativity out there. 

My life is so busy, one day blends into a week, then 2... next thing I know almost a year has gone by and I never wrote blog #2.

So what has kept me busy over the last year?... what hasn't?

This past January, I joined several other people at work and competed in the Biggest Loser contest.  We each paid $10 and our gym contributed $100.  The top male and female w/the highest percentage weight loss would split the combined prize money.  ($450 each)  We had 12 weeks and we weighed in weekly. 
October 2012 (225lb)

 My starting weight was 242.2lbs and this was by far the heaviest I had been. I wanted to make a change, so I followed the meal plan they supplied, and started going 2x's a week for 30 mins to a trainer.  After the 12 weeks, I weighed in and WON the female category!!! This followed by an additional $5 got you 6 more weeks and winner takes all! Who would maintain or continue losing was the goal.. ($105)  Guess what! I WON that too!!! Since then, I had surgery on my knee in May, and still continued to lose.  I started working out a little more, and enjoyed walking / biking w/my girls.  Today, I weigh 165 lbs and have 30 more I would like to lose! I haven't been this size since I was 18 and my family / friends have never seen me this "skinny". 
I just found pic's from last Christmas,
and I never realized how big I was, and now I feel bigger than I am.  It's crazy how your mind / eyes play tricks on you, and it really is about what is in the eye of the beholder.  I have grown through this journey and will continue to struggle, but know I will succeed at what ever I put my mind to it.

I hope I don't forget to write again, and will keep up on my blog.. till next time...