Sunday, September 22, 2013

Let's try this again!

So, for year's I start a blog, write one thing and have every intention of continuing.  Only it seems each time I forget about it, or leave it as a draft because I look around other sites and am so intimidated by the creativity out there. 

My life is so busy, one day blends into a week, then 2... next thing I know almost a year has gone by and I never wrote blog #2.

So what has kept me busy over the last year?... what hasn't?

This past January, I joined several other people at work and competed in the Biggest Loser contest.  We each paid $10 and our gym contributed $100.  The top male and female w/the highest percentage weight loss would split the combined prize money.  ($450 each)  We had 12 weeks and we weighed in weekly. 
October 2012 (225lb)

 My starting weight was 242.2lbs and this was by far the heaviest I had been. I wanted to make a change, so I followed the meal plan they supplied, and started going 2x's a week for 30 mins to a trainer.  After the 12 weeks, I weighed in and WON the female category!!! This followed by an additional $5 got you 6 more weeks and winner takes all! Who would maintain or continue losing was the goal.. ($105)  Guess what! I WON that too!!! Since then, I had surgery on my knee in May, and still continued to lose.  I started working out a little more, and enjoyed walking / biking w/my girls.  Today, I weigh 165 lbs and have 30 more I would like to lose! I haven't been this size since I was 18 and my family / friends have never seen me this "skinny". 
I just found pic's from last Christmas,
and I never realized how big I was, and now I feel bigger than I am.  It's crazy how your mind / eyes play tricks on you, and it really is about what is in the eye of the beholder.  I have grown through this journey and will continue to struggle, but know I will succeed at what ever I put my mind to it.

I hope I don't forget to write again, and will keep up on my blog.. till next time...